Hair and Skin Care Routine

Why does hair fall?

The hair cycle: Each strand of the scalp goes through a growing phase termed 'anagen', lasting about 1000 days, a transitional phase called 'catagen', lasting 10 days (the hair stops growing during catagen) and the final resting phase called 'telogen', which lasts 100 days -- the hair then falls out of the follicle to be replaced by a new strand of hair, which will go through the same three phases.

There are roughly 1,00,000 hairs on the average scalp and thus it is said that upto 100 hair strands dying and falling out each day is normal. Most people, however, feel that they should not be losing even a single strand, which is obviously impossible. Hair, as per its life cycle, will grow and periodically fall out -- normal hair loss should not be stressed over, as the 100 strands that fall out are replaced by new ones produced by the scalp.
Certain conditions however, are known to increase this loss dramatically and require treatment/ prevention:

• Stress is the biggest culprit, implicated in both generalised (all over scalp) and patchy (in sections, like Alopecia Areata) hair loss.
• Poor nutrition comes a close second, with crash dieting often to blame.

Starving to get size zero often often leads to severe hair loss after six to eight weeks.
Stress management and eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins (especially biotin) and minerals (particularly zinc) are, therefore, extremely necessary to arrest hair loss. Consume plenty of dal, soybean, paneer, channa, egg whites, white meat like chicken or fish, nuts and leafy vegetables. If your work schedule is so crazy that you never know when you'll eat your next meal, ask your doctor to prescribe protein and multivitamin supplements.

Common myths

Washing hair daily or every alternate day will increase hair fall
In the kind of weather that we live, the scalp generally becomes oily if we apply oil or dry if we don't. On top of it the kind of pollution that our body is exposed to we need to wash our hair at least every alternate day. The important thing is to pick the mildest of shampoos and condition our hair every 15 to 20 days.(More on conditioning scroll down)

Rigorous oil massage will help

We generally go wrong when it comes to oil massage.

There are two correct ways to use oil, one is to apply a little amount of oil after shampoo, which is a handy way for guys because of short hair. The other is to apply oil in the night after washing it. Yes you are reading it right, after shampoo, never oil your scalp when its dirty. That is the root cause of hair fall in many cases. The best way to do it is, oil your hair the day you are at home and don’t have to go out leave it for 3 to 5 hours and then wash.

Applying a good conditioner will help

Conditioner will make your look good for some time but they wont help you in hair fall. Henna is the best way to condition your hair. The best care one can give to hair is by applying henna every fortnight or at least once a month. Trust me most of the people who have good hair take good care of their hair and henna is the best natural option.

What not to do?

Please don’t use hair color. It will slowly take away all your hair.
Please avoid hair dryer
Don’t get into this perming and straightening business
Don’t massage oil on dirty scalp
Don’t apply lemon on hair to treat dandruff your hair will turn grey use curd instad

People with time on hands

Curd is a very good conditioner. It is very good for treating dandruff

Egg is a very good source of protein and conditioning

Basic skincare that we all need

Once a month we need to go through the routine skin care which is very important to keep our skin healthy.

Cleansing (Cleanser)

Scrubbing (Scrub & Peel)

Enriching (Gel or Cream)

Protection (Pack)

We have complete facial/skin "kits" which take care of this entire routine of facial or skin care. These "kits" can be customised on basis of the season and skin type